"Thoughtz" ft. DJ Afficial

Have you ever been stuck in your thoughtz? So have we! Check out this old retro style video showcasing DJ Afficial's new single "Thoughtz."

"Being an artist is one thing, but being a father and an artist is a pure blessing" - DJ Afficial

"Know & Love" ft. Franco FAREZ

We teamed up with Fucius, a fantastic lyricist/writer, and Franco FAREZ. Imagine meeting for the first time not knowing each other, and end up with a full video and audio production in a matter of a couple months! It has been an experience, so enjoy the video!


"Ghost" ft. Catherine Cormier

We were only 1,000 miles before we paired up on our audio adventure. Here is our latest single called "Ghost." It was filmed in Arizona, the lyric text was done by our one and only, Kayla Bell, and recorded at our studio. It was a blast working with her again after releasing Catherine's album "Sailing Home." Anyways, you are here to see the video!

"Dreaming Of" ft. Catherine Cormier

Have you ever had a dream that felt so real and it turned out real?! So do we! In this Epic music video showing a relationship spiraling down and then awaken to the beautiful voice of Catherine Cormier.